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🚀 nx-Starter-Kit
Angular 8 + GraphQL + NestJS + Postgres + React

🚀Angular 8 + GraphQL + NestJS + Postgres Starter + NX Kit 2.0

A full-stack starter kit with Angular 8, GraphQL, Apollo, NestJS, Postgres and NX.

Starting a new web app can be hard. Choosing the right technologies, architecting the foundation and developing the core of an application can take a lot of time. Setting up a back-end and front-end requires a substantial amount of work. Furthermore, if you don’t do things correctly, it can create technical debt, painless refactoring, and maintenance hell. We take care of all the tedious, mundane setup process for you.

This stater kit provides you with a kick start to your project by providing a scalable, modular web app with features like sign up and log in, user management, easy database configuration and more. We carefully curated cutting-edge technologies for a full-stack application. View the full list of features below.

This project was generated using Nx, a set of Extensible Dev Tools for Monorepos. Why a Monorepo? A monorepo allows for the ease of dependency management where we have a single package.json file used for all applications. Projects can easily share code into composable modules; teams can create shared libraries that can be easily imported between applications. For more information this article explains the benefits and some challenges of monorepos. See documentation for Nx here.

Happy Coding :)

Buy Me A Coffee


Table of Contents

⬆️ Getting Started

⬆️ Requirements

Follow this guide to setup your mac dev environment.

⬆️ Installation

  • Fork the repo
  • git clone git@<yourusername>/angular-graphql-express-postgres-starter-kit.git
  • cd angular-graphql-express-postgres-starter-kit
  • git remote add upstream git@
  • yarn install (only have to do this once and will get dependencies for all applications)

⬆️ Client

Angular Admin Tool

  • yarn start angular
  • visit http://localhost:4200

React Client App

  • yarn start react
  • visit http://localhost:4201


Get started with these tasks:

  • $ npm start: start dev server with live reload on http://localhost:4200
  • $ npm run build: build web app for production
  • $ npm test: run unit tests in watch mode for TDD
  • $ npm run test:ci: lint code and run units tests with coverage
  • $ npm run e2e: launch e2e tests
  • $ npm run docs: show docs and coding guides
  • $ npm run prettier: format your code automatically

⬆️ Server

Create Database

  • Required only initial setup
  • Find default Postgres Database Configs by navigating to server/project/ormconfig.json file
  • Connect to Postgres shell: psql postgres
  • Create database:
postgres=# create database nest_graphql_test;

Seed Database

  • Run the following command to seed your database with default and random generated data:
$ npm run seedData
  • WARNING: Running this file will DELETE ALL data in your database and re-generate and insert new, random.
  • BE CAREFUL running this command in production env. It will delete all production data. The script will check if the environment you’re running in is production or not by checking server/project/src/environments/environment.ts file configs. If environment.production config is set to true, then the seeding process will only generate default roles and 2 default users. This is useful when first setting up your production environment.

Running the server

# development
$ yarn start nest

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Required for Docker

Fill out .env file with postgres env variables

bash $ touch .env



⬆️ Contributing

Anyone is welcome to contribute, however, if you decide to get involved, please take a moment to review the guidelines:

⬆️ Cheat Sheets

⬆️ TODO:

  • Implement TypeORM migrations and default data on initial setup
  • Write Docker setup and configuration README
  • More tests
  • Entity Generator (able to create BE and FE models, GraphQL queries/mutations and some FE boilerplate code from an defined entity.