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🥑 fridgr
React + Redux + Node + Express + Postgres


Tracking groceries got you stressed? Chill.


  • April Ablon
  • Khoa Vo
  • Ivana He
  • Connor Wilson

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing


Some usage instructions


  • Node 6.4.x
  • Postgresql 9.5.6


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install


-Install Postgre on your machine in whatever manner suites you.

-Create a database called fridgr in PSQL

-Create a user (e.g. fridgr_app) with a password

-Grant this user permissions to access the database fridgr

-From project root run

psql -U fridgr_app -h -W fridgr < ./database/fridgr.sql

-U tells psql to run command as user (like MySQL, note capital)

-h tells psql to make connection as if it were a server, this makes user access consistent with server access, and should save you from having to create two users, let me know if there are issues here

-W makes psql ask for password

Now that the database is created and running, create a config.js file in your database directory that module exports the string


with appropriate replacements for username and password.

Now when running on your dev machine this will be used for database connection, else the heroku DATABASE_URL environment variable will be used.

For deployment to heroku, look up pg:push. Note: user will need schema permissions.


View the project roadmap here


See for contribution guidelines.